Friday, November 16, 2012

Anna Karenina Costume Photos!

For all you period piece lovers out there, the quentessential classic story of Anna Karenina has finally opened in theaters nationwide!  And just as we are caught up in the elegance, the romance, and the drama, we're equally captivated by the 19th-century costumes built for the film.

Keira Knightley stars as the title character, Anna Karenina, and is chronicled on a path from the very pinnacle of aristocratic society to the hallows of madness after one affair changes the course of her life forever.  And the gorgeous costuming, designed by the very talented Jacqueline Durran, captures the depth and emotion of each transitional scene.

Take a look at some stunning images from the film, which is out now.

Which is your favorite?

Posted by:  Spankie V.

(photos:  Jacqueline Durran/Ann Karenina film/InStyle)

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